Kickoff t-minus 4 days
The last days we’ve been working feverishly on the ST4 Kickstarter campaign preparations. We’ve already completed a feature-by-feature demonstration last week. This week we’re focussed on making a trailer video, much like the Sawbench one from last year:
But the ST4 more than 4 times as complex as the Sawbench. The feature list is enormous and it’s impossible to even list all features in a minute-long video. So we just have to make the best possible music with the thing..
That ain’t easy, though. We discovered:
* Renoise on Mac exports signed 8 bit WAV, should be unsigned.
* We need way better lighting in the studio to make decent film.
* The ST4 prototype firmware refused to reload the samples from its song.
* Hooking up a full-blown MIDI setup takes time.

Anyway, we’re good at what we do, and we’re big boys. We’ll manage 😉
Edit: we did, thanks to 20k of filmstudio equipment and professional help!

The coming days we’ll also output some extra video’s: jam sessions and feature-by-feature explanations. There might also be a documentary about STU’s synth/chip history.
STay tuned!