A new week, a new Sawbench update

Some news on the Sawbench front:

The remaining eight bare bones kits (this brings the total to 38) have been shipped out and the first people have already assembled it!

Justin Dicenso finished his barebones kit!
Justin Dicenso finished his barebones kit!

The production is on schedule. We managed to finish the soldering for almost 40 units, so far! Still 25 to go.. We also ordered the final batch of Sawbench PCB’s. So we should have more than enough PCB’s in stock for the remaining Kickstarter backers and also for the first post-Kickstarter clients (already 15 orders received).

The first proof casing was tried today, as can be seen below. The factory made the bottom part, with which we are extremely satisfied. High quality finish on the aluminium, not too glossy, not too dull, and excellent bench pressing too! We quickly made our own preview frontplate with the CNC machine and everything fitted! We cannot wait until we receive the first front plates from the factory!

The actual form factor of the Sawbench casing.. The bottom part is as it will be in the final version. The front plate is a preview version without print (CNC'ed by ourselves).
The actual form factor of the Sawbench casing.. The bottom part is as it will be in the final version. The front plate is a preview version without print (CNC’ed by ourselves).

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